Monday, March 26, 2012

Mixed martial arts come to Southeast Asia

Mixed martial arts fans across the world like to quickly identify Asia -- more specifically, Southeast Asia -- as a potential hotbed for this developing sport. It is not difficult to see why.

Thailand’s muay Thai remains one of the crucial striking styles in MMA and it is just one of the numerous traditional martial arts in the region. After all, UFC was one decision away from holding an event in the Philippines a couple of years ago.

While the Philippines and Thailand get mentioned a lot in this context, Indonesia gets nary a thought. Not only is Indonesia the most populous nation and the biggest economy in the region, it also has the longest history of actual mixed martial arts, though that history has been tumultuous to say the least.
Source: Sherdog

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Nepal to organize martial arts games for gays

In a first event of its kind in South Asia, and probably Asia, Nepal is set to organise the country’s first national games for gays, lesbians, bisexuals and third-gendered citizens.

The games to be held in September this year over a two-week period will witness LGBT sportspersons competing in sports ranging from volleyball, football, athletics, martial arts, tennis and more.